Hello Community,
As you may know, the City of Kitchener has been working on a new strategy to plan for development in our City. On November 3, they released their report called Growing Together. At our meeting on November 16, the Victoria Park Neighbourhood Association (VPNA) Board agreed that it’s important to ensure residents are aware of the planning and land use changes being proposed for our neighbourhood and have a chance to comment.
To that end, the VPNA is hosting an on-line meeting next Sunday, November 26, 3:30-5:00 pm. We will do a general orientation to the Growing Together Report and do our best to answer questions.
To make the best use of our time together, we recommend that participants review the materials shared on the City’s Growing Together website (https://www.engagewr.ca/growingtogether) before the meeting. We particularly direct you to the Growing Together Community Guide and the Draft Zoning Map.
You will notice that the deadline for commenting is November 30th, and that organized opportunities to meet with City staff will have passed; however, we have been assured by staff that all comments will be included as part of the public record, and Council will not be voting on the final plan until sometime in early Spring 2024.
To attend and receive the Zoom link to the meeting please register on EventBrite, https://tinyurl.com/Growing-Together-Meeting
See you there!