This organization shall be known as the Victoria Park Neighbourhood Association.
ARTICLE II – Aims and Objectives
- To be non-denominational and non-partisan.
- To create a friendly community spirit.
- To preserve and enhance the quality of life in the Victoria Park Neighbourhood.
- To promote the availability of a quality residential and social environment in the community of the Victoria Park Neighbourhood.
- To study and evaluate the community, its needs, and the services which exist to meet those needs.
- To stimulate awareness of community problems and provide consulting and advisory services to the neighbourhood.
- To encourage and facilitate co-operation among agencies and organizations providing service to the neighbourhood.
- To provide when feasible such common services or facilities as are deemed in the best interest of the neighbourhood.
- To engage in such other activities related to planning, co-ordinating and implementing joint action as may be deemed to be in the best interest of the welfare of the neighbourhood.
- To promote recreation activities with the community with the objective of encouraging participation of all residents of the area and in all age groups.
- To encourage the best use of present recreational facilities and the development of new facilities.
To work in close co-operation with the Kitchener Parks and Recreation Department in providing public recreation.
ARTICLE III – Membership
- Membership in the Neighbourhood Association shall consist of all adult residents in the geographic area of the Association.
- The area is bounded by Victoria Street on the north, Queen Street on the south, Joseph Street on the east and West Avenue and Highland Road on the west.
ARTICLE IV – Executive Officers
The Officers of the Association shall consist of the following:
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Directors
- Program Co-ordinators
ARTICLE V – Duties of the Executive Officers
Shall preside at all meetings of the Neighbourhood Association. The President shall see that the Constitution is adhered to and that the Board takes the required action to fill all offices and appoint all committees. The President shall be ex-officio, a member of all committees.
- Shall keep a complete record of all business transacted by the Association.
- Receive all association correspondence and retain copies of all letters written by or to the Executive.
- Be Responsible for the preparation and distribution of notices for all meetings of the Association.
- Shall notify each member of the Executive and the Parks and Recreation staff person of the time and place of each meeting.
- When relinquishing office, all minute books, files, records, etc. shall be turned over promptly.
- The Treasurer shall receive all monies for the Executive and shall issue receipts for the same.
- Deposit all monies in an authorized bank and in the name of the Association.
- Pay all accounts by cheque only, such cheques to be signed by two of the Executive, one being the Treasurer.
- Keep a correct account of all receipts and expenditures.
- Make a financial report to members of the Association of Executive meetings and annual meetings.
- When relinquishing office, all books, records, files, funds, etc. shall be turned over promptly.
The books of the Association may be audited yearly by the auditors employed by the Kitchener Parks and Recreation Department.
Shall perform special duties as assigned by the Association.
Program Co-ordinators:
Shall organize any programs that are decided upon by the Executive and perform any other duties requested of them.
ARTICLE VI – Meetings
Annual Meeting:
- Shall take place in the fall of each year, before the end of November.
- All residents in the geographic area of the Association shall be notified of the date, time and place at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
- The election of officers for the ensuing term shall be conducted at this time.
Executive Meetings:
- The executive shall meet monthly or when necessary according to work load of the Association.
- All members of the executive shall be notified of the date, time and place of the meeting 5 days prior to the meeting.
General Meetings:
- Shall be called to deal with matters of major importance to the general membership of the Association. The Executive shall determine the nature of these meetings.
- Notice of a general meeting will include date, time, place and agenda. Notification will be given 7 days prior to this meeting.
- A simple majority of the members present shall decide the elections and issues.
- A quorum at the annual meeting shall consist of not less than 25 members of the Association.
- At an Executive meeting, Executive Officers are the only persons entitled to vote on business matters.
ARTICLE VIII – Amendments
- Notice of any amendment to the Constitution must be in writing and given to the Executive 10 days prior to the annual meeting or any general meeting which may be called for this purpose.
- The notice calling this meeting shall refer to any proposed amendment of amendments.
ARTICLE IX – Public Relations
- The Association shall maintain co-operative relations with other resident associations.
- The Association shall also maintain strong communication with the Kitchener Parks and Recreation Department.
- The Association shall publish and distribute to all neighbourhood households periodic newsletters to inform residents of Association activities and/or issues of concern or interest to the residents.